Low-maintenance vegetable gardening
Green your thumb, improve your wellness and beautify your garden during these fun, hands-on series of classes on Saturday mornings.
You will take home all the knowledge, publications, seeds and inspiring ideas needed to successfully and enjoyably grow vegetables and herbs in your garden.
Learn to help plants thrive, produce high yields and reduce maintenance chores through proper seed starting, bed layout, soil preparation, mulching, composting and companion planting. Only organic methods of weed and pest management will be learned; no synthetic pesticides or fertilizers will be used.
Participants of any experience level are invited.
Yummy snacks generously provided by New Pioneer Food Co-op.

​​Dates and Time
Saturdays, March through August
9:30 am - 11:30 am
Please register soon: Classes are limited to 30 people and are expected to fill quickly.
Register at the Iowa City Parks and Recreation website by clicking on the provided links.
Register for the Entire Series
Fee for all classes: $115 (save $39)
Register for Individual Classes
$22 per class
March 9: Bed Placement and Layout
Minimize maintenance and maximize yields through proper bed design, companion planting and integrated pest management.
April 6: Seed Starting
Select from top vegetable and herb varieties. Properly seed plants for indoor growth and take home seeded pots.
May 11: Bed Preparation and Planting
Prepare new and existing beds for low-maintenance through no-till methods and proper weeding and mulching. Propagate seedlings and directly seed plants. Take home desired seeds.
May 18: Gardening for Health and Fun
Learn to design and establish a nutrient-dense Wahls Protocol® garden that will provide you and your family with nourishing food. Learn about the many health benefits of getting your hands dirty.
June 8: Container Gardening
Successfully grow mixes of vegetables and herbs in conventional and whimsical pots.
July 13: Eat Your Greens (and Weeds)
Harvest the bounty of late spring greens. Sample nutritious, yummy green drinks made from the cultivated and wild greens and go home with smoothie recipes.
August 10: Composting and Fertilizing
Understand plant nutrient needs. Create a compost pile and brew nutrient-rich compost tea. Start an indoor vermicomposting (worm) bin.
Your Teachers
Taught by Fred Meyer, master gardener and permaculture designer at Backyard Abundance, and Jennifer Kardos, horticultural therapist and health coach.
Corporate Sponsorship
Give staff a fun team-building activity by sponsoring this program and offering free access to classes.
You receive...
Free registrations (see below)
Your logo on this page
Co-sponsorship on the Facebook event
Level 1: $100
5 registrations
Level 2: $275
15 registrations
Level 3: $500
30 registrations
Level 4: $700
45 registrations
Contact us to discuss details and coordinate registration.