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Large or small, your donations help support free and low-cost environmental education.


All donations to our 501(c)(3) nonprofit are tax-deductible. We will send a confirmation letter for your tax records.

No other Iowa organization teaches people how to take small steps that transform the outdoors into spaces that demonstrate our ability to thrive in harmony with nature.


If you find joy and value in what we do, please consider donating to help foster vibrant, climate-friendly landscapes that grow…

  • Wellness for residents

  • Habitat for pollinators, birds and butterflies

  • Free, healthy food for all


Your generosity enables us to…

  • $10: Establish a pollinator plant in a public garden that supports buzzing and fluttering friends.

  • $15: Purchase local, yummy snacks for an event.

  • $30: Plant several tomatoes, potatoes or cucumbers in a public garden to feed residents for a growing season.

  • $90: Plant a public fruit tree to feed a community for years.

  • $150: Conduct a free, hands-on public class.

  • $500: Publish an educational video that inspires thousands.

  • $1000: Support education and management at a public garden for a year.


Monthly Donation

Please also consider making a monthly donation through an automatic withdrawal from your bank account. Download, complete and mail us the Bank Account Debit Form.


Endowment Fund: Greater Tax Benefits

Rather than donating to our general fund, you can donate to the Backyard Abundance endowment fund. This makes you eligible to receive a 25% Iowa tax credit and you can take advantage of federal tax deductions. The fund is administered by the Community Foundation of Johnson County.

Once fully established, this fund will be used for our operational expenses allowing us to give constant focus to educational programs rather than fundraising. Your donation to the endowment supports the long-term health of Backyard Abundance while keeping money circulating in Iowa.

Visit PayPal to make your secure, online donation.

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Mail Donation

You can also mail your donation.


Complete our donation form and mail it to:

  Backyard Abundance

  P.O. Box 1605

  Iowa City, IA 52244

Backyard Abundance

Backyard Abundance is a leading educational nonprofit that helps people create vibrant, engaging outdoor spaces that benefit families and our environment.

P.O. Box 1605

Iowa City, IA  52244


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